.:: Atmosphere and Beyond ::.


What and Why?

What and Why?

Why not?

Adobe Atmosphere is a cutting edge virtual worlds technology for the Internet. With Atmsphere, you have the tools to build whatever world, scene, room etc, into an Internet enabled virtual reality set.

Currently in BETA, there is a small online community of people devoted to testing and building atmosphere content - find them at the Adobe forums. There, you will find many tips, tutorials, friendly (virtual) faces, other online worlds, avatars, and so forth. Explore!

Why this site?

Just a place to put up coding scripts, worlds, objects and ideas which people might find useful at some point or another. As a kind of education facility.

There are plenty of other sites which provide excellent tutorials, scripts, world directories, etc, so we'll try and offer something a little bit different with this one ;)

If you ever want to discuss anything about this site, feel free to contact me: to_the_bat_cave { at } hot mail{.}com


Content by superted. Find me at the adobe forums located here.